Long Bien Golf Course updated new opening time

6 năm trước

According to a recent inform from the management board of Long Bien golf course (Long Bien Golf Course), the opening time will be updated as following: Starting from 5:30 to 24:00 every day(from Monday to Sunday). Valid from 29.11.2015 until further notice.

Original announcement:

Dear Our Valued Golfers!

Long Bien Golf Course would like to send all of you the sincerest thanks for your valued support and copperation during the time.

At the moment Long Bien Golf Course is closed from Sunday Afternoon to Monday Morning for maintaince. However, in order to meet the increasing requirement to golf of valued customers, we are pleased to inform the updated opening time as following:

– From: 5:30 to 24:00 (From Monday to Sunday)
– Valid from 29.11.2015 until further notice.

For futher information or request, please kindly reach us on [email protected] or Hotline +84 94 666 00 99

Thanks you very much!

long bien opening time

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