Laguna Lang Co Golf Club Championship 2015

6 năm trước

After two years in operation since 2013, Laguna Lang Co Golf has left many imprints through diversity and its unique and successfully awarded Best New Golf Course in Asia-Pacific over 2013 – 2014. The Golf Club will celebrate its 2-year Anniversary with the second Laguna Lăng Cô Golf Club Championship on May 23rd, 2015.

Format play is Individual 18-Hole Stroke Play. Golfer will divided into three groups:  Division A for members with handicap 0-23, Division B for members with handicap 23-36, and Open Guest Division for golfers with handicap over 36 and non-member guests.

Main Prizes:

Club Champion Best Gross

Division A: Best Net, Runner Up, 2nd Runner Up

Division B: Best Net, Runner Up, 2nd Runner Up

Division C: Best Net, Runner Up, 2nd Runner Up

Guest Division (System 36): Best Net, Runner Up, 2nd Runner Up

Ladies Champion Best Net

Hole in One Prizes on all Par 3’s (Award to First Winner only)

Nearest to Pin on all Par 3’s

Longest Drive

Dealine for register

Please send or email us the attached forms with filled information to confirm before entry deadline: 17.00 pm Friday, 15 May 2015

Laguna Championship

Source: Laguna Lang Co Golf CLub

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